Friday 19 August 2016

The word "diet".

I missed my goal for this week, by almost a kg! Lost a measly 600 gram. And I have not been cheating. To be honest I feel cheated. 

I've been reading up on weight loss theories. One thing remains true at all times: Diet is a noun and not a verb. Because if you are "on a diet", it implies you will be "off a diet" at some stage. It's like driving your car without a fuel gauge. You need to know where you are, what you've taken in and if you need to take it easy.

I notice now that I get grumpy when I don't go to the gym. I guess that is a good sign in some way? My gym partner still has some effects of the flu, but yesterday we could go, and last night I felt much better, like I am more in control again. Of course the scale shattered that illusion this morning... I will just need to work through it.

Spoke to one of the experts at the gym yesterday. He says I might actually be eating too little. According to him, your body needs some nutrients to be able to metabolize your body fat. It sounds like sound advice. He also says I should start on weight or circuit training, as this is accelerates weight loss. I am prepared to try and I will do it from now on. My fitness has picked up a bit, so it is not as uncomfortable as before. At his advice I am going to see a dietitian as well, if my medical aid covers it.

So this afternoon, it's me and this place:

On a lighter note, I see that a proper Hankey Pankey burns about a hundred or more calories. I think it's time my wife should start joining me in this quest...

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, no comment on the HP.... This is a hill that you have to cross, don't dispare, you will make it.
