Thursday 11 August 2016

I get by with a little help from my friends

Last night, for the first time, my friends noticed that I am losing weight. It really is a nice feeling to be honest. Thank you to all of you. Some of you are working through your own personal issues, much more intense that losing a bit of weight. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I still have about 40 kg to go and to be honest, it seems like a huge mountain to climb. At the moment I am losing weight at about one kilogram per week. In the beginning it was between two and three kilograms per week. There are various theories about this. One theory is that you lose the fresh flab first, sort of easy come easy go. I kind of believe this, as I am now at a weight that I have maintained for years before recently losing control. That mirror is still a horrific sight though.

I also think I am not drinking enough water. According to Livestrong your body needs water to burn fat, in fact you actually burn calories when you drink water! I have been holding back on the water in order to cheat the scale, seems I've been cheating myself. 

I've also been thinking about these so-called fat burner tablets for a while. Will it actually help me accelerate the process? If things continue at the current pace (which I doubt), I will be on target by May 2017. That seems like a lifetime away. To be honest, I'm a bit impatient for that. For now I will avoid it, but I haven't dismissed the idea completely.

I did 30 minutes of Cardio today and yesterday, worth 360 calories per day. We had a long weekend and it really is not good for losing weight. You need that daily routine and activity of going to the gym, feeling what 100 calories feels like, in order to control your eating habits. It is also better not to be confronted with readily available food, especially for somebody who tends to eat out of boredom like myself. What will I do one day when I retire? Hopefully my relationship with food will have improved by then.

I still need to lose 200 gram to reach my goal for this week. Hold thumbs for tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

  1. You can make it!!!! I'm sure. You are an inspiration to us all, think I have a water problem too!! have to up my intake!
