Tuesday 2 August 2016

Tarzan boy...

Nobody that has never been grossly overweight realises how intimidating a gym really is. On our very first day, we walked into the place behind a real Tarzan Boy. He was about 1.9 meters tall and was wearing extremely tight tights and a very small sleeveless top. He had muscles in places where I do not even have places. What made it even more intimidating, was that he was walking with a distinct cross-dresser type swagger. I was following this guy into a  locker room that seemed extremely lonely... Fish, dry ground, you get the picture.

As it turns out, that was the strangest day so far. In the mean time, I've been meeting normal people just like me. About half of them are regulars, while some are new faces that disappear soon. You get basically two groups: The young body building types, and the older health conscious types. The former group talks supplements, impact training and such things.

The other group does not talk at all. They just stare blankly in front of them. I guess they are concentrating hard to un-see the things you see in these locker rooms. I still find it disconcerting to look up and be faced by some very ugly realities! Why do these places not have more privacy?

I burned another 330 calories yesterday. Sadly my weight was up by 400 gram even though I was eating very carefully over the weekend. I am guessing this would be due to my body trying to prepare itself for a period of "famine". 

I am finding MyFitnessPal a very handy tool, although I can tell it annoys my wife a bit when I log everything before starting to eat, which makes it fun as well! Last night I could not close the dairy. It demanded that I eat something more for health purposes, which I did. 

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