Tuesday 23 August 2016

Body beat

Last week the expert from the gym suggested that my diet is not optimal, because I cut out carbs completely. He also suggested I start to do some circuit training as well, which I duly did.

I got my hands on a diet by Linda Kriel, who is  a well known fitness and diet guru. She used to feature in the Body Beat clips that was part of "Good Morning South Africa" in the 80's to 90's. Oh man it was such a good way to start your day. Just check out the video clip from back then:

Fast forward 30 years and she still does it quite well...

Where was I... My lovely wife joined me in this quest, although her weight is very close to ideal in any case. (Did I mention before that she has natural grace and beauty?) So we are both eating according to this diet. I also exercise using the super-circuit at the gym. My routine is as follows; Start with 5 min stationary bike cardio, burn about 50 calories, then do the super-circuit, with climbing steps between machines. I do 20 repetition per machine and I set the effort level so that the last repetition is almost impossible to complete. At least I am not that guy forever adjusting it to lower levels any more.

The most difficult part is actually the stairs between machines. That last step is like a mountain. I finish off by doing another 5 minutes on the stationary bike, burning another 50 calories. Normally I need some help to get down the stairs by then. I think stamina is not my forte, I am more a speed and strength guy.

I found a cure for the lazy weekends as well. I've started laying out a vegetable garden at home, to supplement all these veggies we are now supposed to eat. So after a few hours of swinging a pick ax, digging trenches and general manual labour, I now have the beginnings of a vegetable garden, a few bad blisters on my hands and huge respect for people who do this kind of thing for a living!

Now for the good news. It really works! After my session on Friday, the weekend, yesterday and today, I am down 2 kilograms already! I have broken the 15 kg barrier!