Wednesday 17 August 2016

My silver dream machine

I must admit, this blog entry is just an excuse to post a great song, but I am going to make it fit all together. Continue reading. 

I commute to work by motorcycle. Yes I know it's dangerous and so on, but it is the only way I can mange to have some semblance of a presence in my children's school life. It allows me to zip home within 25 minutes regardless of traffic. It's also a great money saver, as it is light on fuel and I maintain it on a shoe-string budget. My bike is a simple 2005 Kawasaki KLE 500 cc. On the excitement-scale, it's about two heartbeats per minute away from a lawnmower. 

In the last six months I've noticed that acceleration is getting more and more sluggish. I put it down to old-age, as it did tick over 100000 km this week, which is a lot for a bike. As it turns out I should have done a little more introspection. I'm down by 13 kg now and all of a sudden, my bike has a bit more grunt again! I guess that BMW 1200 GS will have to wait for now...

In other news, my gym partner has the flu this week, so I am stuck at work lunch times. It feels strange and I can tell my weight-loss progress is slowing down. Need to get out and do something!

I have almost lost 10% of my starting body weight. That is my next target and I hope to reach it this week. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up!! One of these days your bike will run like a new one again!!
