Monday 1 August 2016

She drives me crazy...

We have a bona-fide psychopath living in our house. She manipulates people (especially me), she has no empathy for others and cares only for her needs. Yet, she is also perfectly normal. She is a two-year-old. The other children got through this stage beautifully, I believe it will be the same.

She also has the most beautiful smile that makes the sun shine brighter and makes the world a more beautiful place to be in. Her name is Katinka:

She's always had this habit of sitting on my lap at dinner, pointing at my food, indicating what I should eat next. No big deal, only thing is, she actually touches my food and I have seen the places that finger goes... This has never been a real issue, but all of a sudden it drives me crazy!

I think it comes from the fact that that single plate of food, that she is stabbing her finger at, is all I will be having. Therefore I savour the tastes and enjoy it much more than before. You see, eating on an empty stomach is sort of a new thing for me.

In other news, a guy smashed through may mother's, neighbour's fence, damaging three vehicles. He gets out, stumbling drunk. Calls the owner of the house "Dude" before he runs off to get his mother's help. Guess how old he is... 42 Years! I guess if I do a bit of introspection, I'm not that far off from this guy. It's all about taking responsibility, also for your own health.  

I lost 4 kg last week! I am now officially 10 kg down from when I started. It took me 3 weeks, which is incredibly fast, I'm sure the "hitting the brick wall" part is around the corner, but I will work through it. I want to lose as quickly as possible to start to enjoy the gym work a bit more.

Friday we spent two hours in the gym, as the traffic was stationary in any case. My muscles are still a bit stiff, but I will try my best today. I am planning to try this HIIT thing that I've been reading about.

I was a good boy this week-end. Every day was 1000 calories below the daily allowance. 

Hold thumbs for this week.