Friday 3 February 2017

Today is that day

On this day, in 1959 Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and Mr. JP Richardson (The Big Bopper) died in a corn field near Clear Lake, Iowa. Later Don Mclean made a beautiful song about the events and this date is now known as "The day the music died". Buddy Holly was 22 years old at the time and I'm sure he would have gone on to be one of the biggest stars in the music world.

To me this date is also significant, as today is my 47th birthday. 47! Where have the time gone? To be honest, I still feel like a teenager inside.

I am lucky, as I have a great view of my life right now. I can look back at all the experiences, people, moments that fill my memories. I can reflect on the past and learn what needs to be learned. I miss my dad the most, I wonder what he would say today, if he would have been proud of me. At some level, I still want his appreciation. I can also see the future, imagine being what I aspire too for myself... you know, see it believe in it, work it, become it, as the self-help books would like us to believe. There is still a fair bit of future to work with! Something to be thankful for.

But as Winnie the Poo so eloquently put it, what makes this day my favourite, is that it is "Today". Today is a gift given to me where I learn from the past and faithfully build the future, as hopefully tomorrow and the day after that will be. In have made to-do and stop-doing lists to internalize throughout this year. Hopefully it will become part of who I am.

Enough mushy stuff!

Yesterday, on a whim, I tried on the suit I got married in 20 years ago. I am quite disappointed. It does not fit at all. The pants are way too big, by about 15 cm and the jacket is way to small. The sleeves leave about 5 cm of wrist exposed. When I bought it, my mindset was, as always, to disappear in the room. Of course this is a bit silly, seeing as it is your wedding day after all, but you can't argue with the sub-conscious... This is apparently a common phenomenon, as this guy so aptly explains. He has a great blog, by the way, although I don't agree with everything he says. If it was today, that suit may look a bit different, but the wife would be the same.

Embarrassingly, I kind of get the shopping addiction people have. I always dreaded going to clothes shops, even joked that they do not even make handkerchiefs in my size. But now things are different. Suddenly I have choices. Yeah! If only no 12 shoes were common...

I did an interesting experiment last night. I picked up my wife. No, not in a bar, I physically picked her up. She weighs a bit less than the weights I normally train with, so I wanted to feel if it felt more or less the same. She's actually light, I could carry her all day.

My body is definitely changing. This is an unintended by-product of all the gym sessions. My aim was always just to lose the flab and get fit, but I can see things going a different direction. My shoulders and pectorals are definitely widening and changing shape, although my belly is still very flabby. It seems the change works its way down slowly. I kind of like it! Weight-wise I lost 1.2 kg for the week. I worked hard for that.

Enjoy the weekend!

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