Friday 27 January 2017

The Wall

Last Friday night, we had a little get-together at our house. My wife makes these beautiful "boere" Mediterranean pizzas. It has a wafer thin crunchy crust, covered with either olive or basil pesto, topped with powdered biltong, feta and parmesan cheese, baby tomatoes and fresh parsley. It goes terrific with a nice robust red wine, like a Shiraz... or whatever the cheapest one in the store was, which off-course was what I had.

Needless to say, I packed the stuff like there was no tomorrow. Both the wine and the pizza. It was so great I just could not help myself. In the process a cheat-meal turned into a cheat weekend, with overindulgence the next day on rump steak, boerewors and buffalo wings.

By Monday, I was up 3kg, and really depressed about it. Luckily gym is good therapy and I really hit it hard this week. I am still up 1.4 kg, but at least things are on the straight and narrow again. Furthermore, I need to learn to stop snacking on cookies which are readily available all over at my work-place. It's in every boardroom and I attend a lot of meetings.

It seems I've hit a bit of a wall now. It takes a little cheating to instantly gain a lot and a fair bit of work to actually lose the weight again. Challenge accepted.

I try to exercise twice daily now, although it doesn't always work out that way. Lunch-time gym and back to suspension training at home as well. I do about 80 sit-ups and 700 stairs every day, although not in the same session. Combined with the lifting in the circuit and on my suspension rings, I think that's not too bad for a middle-aged obese man. In fact, I'm quite proud.

I reconnected with an old friend this week. We worked closely together for a long time and made a great team. We still work for the same company, but not directly together any more, so we drifted apart a bit. To be honest he was always so disciplined about every aspect of his life, which I was a bit envious about. A few years ago he got into Cross-fit, or Functional Training. His transformation was remarkable. It was only now after taking a bit of control over my own life that I can engage with him without feeling insecure... I am strange that way, I'm sure he does not see it that way at all.

My friends asked me to update some "during" pictures. This morning I put on some new "thinner" clothes so it might be a good opportunity. Here's a picture from  May 2016 (as punishment they are also in the picture):

And this was this morning:

The original before photo is too gross for this post, you can see it at the beginning

In any case who would have thought Roger Waters can be brought into context with Sandie Shaw on a blog, the internet is a strange place.


  1. Wow jy lyk awesome!!! Well done!!! Sal jou maar vergewe vir die ander foto
