Friday 17 February 2017

Another one bites the dust!

Two important things happened this week. On Saturday, My daughter asked me if I can make a cart-wheel. Being the alpha- male in our house, a simple "Yes dear, I'm able" was not enough. My answer was more like: "Stand aside, I will show you!"

So I did it. On my first attempt, she said it looked ok-ish, but I did not point my toes. Of course this was a border-line insult as far as I was concerned. So I went for broke, I needed height and grace to pull off the perfect cart-wheel. The result was outstanding. I'm still proud. Unfortunately, I pulled my hamstring tendon as well, so much so, that my wife sitting a few meters away could hear it pop.

Went to the doctor and got proper meds and treatment. Thankfully, I think this will be a short problem. In gym, I continued exercising, but eliminated all hamstring related exercises. I actually replaced them by sit-ups. Sitting in that doctor's reception, I was terrified that I would have to lay off for a month or so. Luckily it did not happen. After x-rays, the doctor mentioned that the joint space of my hips are quite narrow, although nicely uniform. I should not consider doing marathons. So relieved! Maybe that is also a remnant of carrying excess weight around.

I started this journey on July 4, 2016 (Hey, the new me was born on the fourth of July!) Yesterday, weighing myself on the same scale, in the same Gym, 228 days later, I weighed exactly 30 kg less! This is the second significant event of this week. Some stats: Pant size: 44 to 38, Shirt size, 4XL to XXL, Belt, on 4th new hole. Because of my shoulders, I think XXL will be my shirt size in future as well.

I still carry significant weight around my lower belly. It seems those guys are the most difficult to shed. I still have 13kg to go. There is light in the tunnel!

I try to cut carbs out of my diet. So I am quite a connoisseur of broccoli and cauliflower by now. Both are good replacements for pasta, potato etc. Breakfast is a problem though, bread and breakfast go together like copy and paste. At the moment I eat low-GI bread with peanut butter. This will have to change I think. Lunch is Biogen Diet Fuel, I am well and truly hooked. After gym I'm as hungry as a hostage and it goes down like a smoothie.

It is extremely hard work to lose weight at the moment. It takes a lot of effort. I suspect the fitter me, deals with exercise a bit easier, so the level of effort need to increase to make a significant impact.

Speaking of fitter. Yesterday morning, before I got up from bed, my pulse was 38. That's pretty low!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Hendrik. You are such an inspiration. I have a lot of respect for you.
