Friday 10 February 2017

Eye of the tiger

We had a very eventful state of the nation address last night, as it has sadly become customary now. It seems one needs some hand-to-hand combat training now to go to parliament. Which, if you think carefully, is maybe not such a bad idea. Let them, the people that instigate hate and division to push their own agendas, fight it out among themselves. That leaves us, the common citizenry, to continue leading our relatively peaceful lives, in harmony.
Another tradition that seems to have become entrenched now, is that the sign-language interpreter steals the show.

Nelson Mandela's Funeral (Itsy bitsy spider...)

2016 State of the Nation (Zupta must fall!)

2017 State of the Nation (F@#k you Steenhuysen!)
Speaking of fighters, one of this countries' most loved sons passed away this week. Joost I salute you for your inspiration to us all. He was actually my neighbour! When I was a student, I shared a flat in Sunnyside with a friend. My friend's family was a little moneyed, so it was quite up-market. He was just starting out and the Blue Bulls rented him a flat one or two doors down the passage. I recall his piercing blue-green eyes and the way he always seemed like a wound up spring. Even standing in the lift with him, you were kind of waiting for the energy to release. And it did. Once the doors opened, he was out of there like a bullet from a gun.
I missed my 30kg milestone by a few grams this week. Still down 1.4 kg for the week though!
My gym routine is constantly expanding. I am slowly pushing up the weight and number of repetitions. I am up to 25 repetitions on some machines. After the circuit, I also add extra exercises; sit-ups, leg-ups and Russian twists.
As an experiment, I weigh myself before and after gym. I leave about 0.6 kg in the gym. I think that is quite good.
Honestly, last year this time I would never have thought this possible.

Enjoy the weekend friends!

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