Thursday 17 November 2016

I got You Babe!

Yesterday was me and the wife's 20th anniversary. I was hoping to do this blog yesterday, but got a bit busy.

She's a special person, I know that, because I know myself, and she gets along with me. And handles four children, of which the youngest is really emotionally draining on her. Here's to you my love!

We went to Kream restaurant and boy was it a great experience. Kream is easily one of the best five restaurants in Pretoria, if not the best. In any case, we had everything, from champagne, made in the cap classique style, to starters, mains and dessert. Everything was top notch. Hopefully the after-effects will be financial only...

For reference purposes, this was me before the I started to loose weight:

I am so embarrassed. How did I let it happen?

Today I tried to hit the undo button on all that anniversary food in the gym. Lost one kilogram in perspiration only! Since the start of this week, I'm adding kettle-bell weight swings to my routine, as I understand it helps your abs a bit. I also do 40 sit-ups and 40 leg pull-ups after my circuit. It helps I hope, as I have a lot to lose in my abs, which I consider to be my worst aspect at the moment. I've got the stretch-marks to prove it!

As always, thanks for reading! You guys help me to keep going.


  1. I have a wonderful husband!Love you more and more each day. Thank you for a lovely evening, it was outstanding.

  2. Congratulations Hendrik and Lee. Seems like Lee needs the congregations more Hendrik, but I think you are a wonderful couple and great parents. Love you guys lots. Hendrik you are an inspiration.
