Thursday 17 November 2016

I got You Babe!

Yesterday was me and the wife's 20th anniversary. I was hoping to do this blog yesterday, but got a bit busy.

She's a special person, I know that, because I know myself, and she gets along with me. And handles four children, of which the youngest is really emotionally draining on her. Here's to you my love!

We went to Kream restaurant and boy was it a great experience. Kream is easily one of the best five restaurants in Pretoria, if not the best. In any case, we had everything, from champagne, made in the cap classique style, to starters, mains and dessert. Everything was top notch. Hopefully the after-effects will be financial only...

For reference purposes, this was me before the I started to loose weight:

I am so embarrassed. How did I let it happen?

Today I tried to hit the undo button on all that anniversary food in the gym. Lost one kilogram in perspiration only! Since the start of this week, I'm adding kettle-bell weight swings to my routine, as I understand it helps your abs a bit. I also do 40 sit-ups and 40 leg pull-ups after my circuit. It helps I hope, as I have a lot to lose in my abs, which I consider to be my worst aspect at the moment. I've got the stretch-marks to prove it!

As always, thanks for reading! You guys help me to keep going.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The world is changing

Today of all days we are reminded how the world is changing. This is true also for me.

My weight loss process has become decidedly more difficult. I think for two reasons: Because the new leaner me needs less food to get by with and the new fitter me needs more exercise to actually burn fat, more than my lunch-time routine seems to allow time-wise. But what the heck, it is starting to become fun. People are noticing and that is really great.

Because of all the salads we now eat, I started a vegetable garden in the spring. This is now beginning to bear... well... vegetables. Last night we had chicken salad, with home grown tomatoes, parsley, peas, lettuce and basil. Farmer brown is eating healthy baby!

My weight loss up to now is just over 26 kg. To put that into perspective, this is just a bit more than one of these containers, filled with filthy, unadulterated, disgusting, wobbly, FAT:
One has difficulty grappling with this. Have you ever carried one of these around? It's hard work. I did it daily without noticing. Now I cannot imagine having to climb steps, getting up from chairs, carrying that around. My world is changing.

Weekends are setting me back big-time. I eat when I'm inactive. Bad, bad, bad. I need to find something to keep me busy weekends. What made this past weekend worse was that my daughter had a swim gala. You basically sit around, eating peanuts, biltong, pretzels, cookies, for six hours, to essentially watch 10 minutes of swimming. It took me almost three days to get back to where I was on Friday.

To all my American friends, I hope Trump really makes America great again. At least political correctness is dead and buried now. Honesty is always a good idea, especially when you are honest with yourself.