Friday 9 September 2016

Nineteen and counting

This morning I am down by 19.7kg. I was hoping for 20, but missed it by 300 grams. That's ok, still down 1.5 kg for the week. Not to be sniffed at.

Last week I was on my way to the Bulls Lions game, watching it from the company's box at Loftus. I was quite fearful of the snacks and the readily available (free) drinks. Alcohol is loaded with kilo-joules! I also did not give the Bulls much of a chance.

In the end, the Bulls ate the Lions for dinner and I kept my dinner well within control. Bravo to them and me!

This week was a terrible gym week. Work was really hectic and I had to work through lunch on many occasions, missing my regular appointment. All in all just two sessions, plus a few guilt-laden, limp push-ups, sit-ups and stairs last night at home. At least I broke a bit of a sweat, for what that's worth. I may have broken the 20kg barrier if it was not for that lack of exercise this week.

I went through a bit of a depression patch this week. At gym, there is this huge mirror in the change room and I accidentally caught a glimpse of myself in it. As an obese person, you teach yourself to avert your eyes when mirrors are around.

Surprise, I still look really really fat! Even though I've lost almost 20 kg, I am still about 20 kg overweight. And a person 20 kg overweight is still a sad sight to behold, especially without a shirt. As an adult, I've only once weighed less than now, but that was 15 years ago. Basically I feel great inside but still look crap outside. To top it off there were some really well built guys in there at the same time. I stood out like a fat, fat thumb.

My use of MyFitnessPal is tapering off. Using it, I have learned what is bad and what not, so I only use it when I try something new and to track my weight. The novelty has worn off a bit as well. They have a forum where you can discuss your experiences and I actually got a "You have been warned" from the moderators, for inviting people to read this blog. Go figure. Their loss.

To conclude, isn't that song a blast from the past? The last moments are really moving. That little dog's name is Dennis, you can read all about him. He dropped all that weight by cutting fast-food.

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